Agim Krajka – “Honor of Nation” Order

Opening remarks by NTOBFE Director General, Mrs. Zana Cela


Agim Krajka dedicated every day of his artistic career to the exploration of the musical folklore in every corner of Albania, in order to have it as his most cherished and most beloved muse, which would give him the most beautiful inspirations for his musical work that would always mark music trends of the time. He was the last to break away from folklore and the first to follow the music trends of the time, so everyone was looking and wanting to co-create and share the stage with him. The audience loved him endlessly while he played the accordion and was looking forward to hearing his songs at the year-end festival. Friends wanted to have him close to the table to enjoy the merriness he spread. That’s why everyone loved and loves Agim Krajka.

Agim Krajka came to the State Ensemble 54 years ago as an accordionist with rare skills and virtuoso individuality. He then became the most important conductor and elaborator in FE’s history. Just as “Grand Master” Panajot Kanaçi, who elevated the FE dance troupe to extremely high levels by raising the folk dance to the highest level of interpretation, “Grand Master” – Agim Krajka raised the execution of folk dance tunes to these levels. With his class and talent, he built a structure in the orchestra lineup that was never seen before. He built models of orchestration and song and dance arrangements from all over the region, fanatically preserving the rhythmic and melodic features. This structure has held all the creative weight at the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble to the present day.

Agim Krajka was born on May 3, 1937 in a family originating from Dibra. His father was passionate about music and as an amateur he played some musical instruments such as the violin, mandolin and accordion, which he held as the family’s most precious asset. The magic of this instrument ignited the great passion of his only son, Agim, who secretly began to learn auto didactically and play the first tunes. From the age of 16, Agim Krajka was distinguished for his rare ability, with perfect individuality and clarity of execution and was regarded as the virtuoso of the accordion.

In 1963, Agim Krajka began his studies in theory and composition, under the direction of “People’s Artist” Çesk Zadeja. His creativity is voluminous. The master has composed hundreds of songs, folk dances and many pieces for symphony orchestra such as: “Folk Dance Suite” for symphony orchestra, “Youth Overture” for symphony orchestra, “Romance” for violin and symphony orchestra, “Fantasy” for accordion and symphony orchestra.

His creativity took on more value with the music of many films, which he composed during the 1970s and 1980s. Cinematic masterpieces such as “Çifti i Lumtur”, “Zonja nga Qyteti”, “Një Shoqe nga Fshati” etc would not have a special place in the history of our cinematography without the scores that “Grand Master” Agim Krajka wrote for them.

Everyone loves Agim Krajka because he composed for everyone. Everybody loves Agim Krajka because his creativity is a great scene that brings together artists of folk music and dance, modern pop song, because his music is cinematic and symphonic. They love him because he wrote to the grandmother; they love him because Agim Krajka is the composer of youth. Agim Krajka is the composer of love.

Grand Gala “All love Agim Krajka”




“Ditë feste në Tiranë” Dance

Dance Ensemble

Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra



Soloist: Kamela Islamaj

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Genti Rushi

Orchestra Formation: Jazz/Rock Band


“Djaloshi dhe shiu”

Soloist: Eneda Tarifa

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Genti Rushi

Orchestra Formation: Jazz/Rock Band


“Kënga e Gjyshes”

Soloist: Juliana Pasha

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Endri Sina

Orchestra Formation: Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Band


“Diell në fushë të Devollit” Dance

Music/Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Choreography: Panajot Kanaçi

Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra


“Kur këndoje ti”

Soloist: Irma Libohova

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Gerti Druga

Orchestra Formation: Symphony Orchestra


“Dardhare” Dance

Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Coreography: Agron Aliaj

Orchestra Formation: Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra


“Kafe Flora burra plot”

Soloist: Kamela Islamaj

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Genti Rushi

Orchestra Formation: Jazz/Rock Band


“Sonet për vete”

Soloist: Eneda Tarifa

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Genti Rushi

Orchestra Formation: Jazz/Rock Band


Kaba for clarinet and Folk Orchestra

Soloist: Artan Shabani

Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Orchestra Formation: Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra


“Vallja e Rexhës”

Soloist: Liliana Cingu

Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Choreography: Besim Zekthi

Orchestra Formation: Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra


“Çifti i lumtur”, “Zëvendësi i grave”, “Zonja nga qyteti”

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Gerti Druga

Orchestra Formation: Symphony Orchestra and Rock Band


 “Thuaja rini”

Soloist: Juliana Pasha

Music/Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Orchestra Formation: Jazz/Rock Band


“Të kërkoj”

Soloist: Irma Libohova and Kamela Islamaj

Music/ Orchestration: Agim Krajka/Gerti Druga

Orchestra Formation: Symphony Orchestra and Rock Band


 “Te burimi” Dance

Orchestration: Agim Krajka

Coreography: Besim Zekthi

Orchestra Formation: Folk Ensemble’s Orchestra


 “Këngët e rinisë”

Soloists: Xhieldo Hyseni alongside the other soloists and NTOB Choir

Music: Agim Krajka

Orchestration: Agim Krajka/Gerti Druga

Orchestra Formation: NTOB Orchestra and Choir